Why People Will Be Disappointed by GPT4

Though Open AI has been on the market since 2020, last November, GPT-3 changed the world. When most people discovered it, they were blown away by all the challenging tasks it could handle for you. From business tasks, like automating customer service, generating high-quality content, or building a chatbot to creative endeavors like writing, drawing, and programming, GPT-3 has changed everything. If GPT-3 has changed the world, what will GPT-4 do? There is such a sense of anticipation around this new iteration of OpenAI’s language model. It can’t help but disappoint.

Don’t Believe the Hype

Media and industry experts are overhyping GPT-4’s capabilities. “The GPT-4 rumor mill is a ridiculous thing,” (OpenAI CEO Sam Altman) said. “I don’t know where it all comes from.” One particularly viral tweet claims that GPT-4 will have 100 trillion “parameters,” compared to GPT-3’s 175 billion parameters, something that Altman called “complete bull” in (an)interview. With each new release of GPT, the model’s capabilities have improved, but the jump from GPT-3 to GPT-4 may not be as significant as some are expecting. This could lead to disappointment among users who were expecting a major leap forward in the model’s capabilities.

What it can do

GPT-4 may not be suitable for all tasks. GPT-4, like its predecessors, is a general-purpose language model. This means that it can perform a wide range of tasks, but it may not excel at any one specific task. For example, GPT-4 may not be as effective at natural language processing tasks as specialized models that have been specifically trained for that task. This could disappoint users who were expecting GPT-4 to outperform specialized models in specific tasks.

Since it is a language model, it is a good writing tool. Businesses will be able to use it to create lots of content fast. It can also help with customer support, by answering queries, and offering personalized support. It can also help in marketing, helping to generate targeted content and ads. The big hope for the next generation of AI is that it will be more human-like, ie., more intuitive, able to pick up on inferences from people, and to make more human-like responses to customers.

It May be Expensive

The cost of using GPT-4 will depend on a number of factors, including how much computational power and memory you need, as well as the specific use case. It’s fair to expect that GPT-4 will be more expensive than its predecessor. As GPT-3 was available via a cloud-based API, users were charged based on the amount of usage, which made it accessible to a wide range of users and businesses. If GPT-4 is not offered through a similar cloud-based API, it may be more difficult and expensive for users to access and use the model.

Additionally, GPT-4 is expected to have increased computational power and memory requirements, which will likely drive up the cost. As with any large AI model, the cost of fine-tuning it to a specific task, data storage and computational power will also be a factor.


While GPT-4 is an exciting development in the field of AI, it’s important to manage expectations and be aware that the model may not live up to the hype. Additionally, GPT-4 may not be suitable for all tasks, disappointing users expecting it to outperform specialized models. Not to mention the expense in training and using it. It’s important to remember that GPT-4 will be a powerful tool, but not a panacea for all natural language processing tasks.

Electric Pipelines can Help

Though GPT-4 won’t be the magic bullet to improve your business, it will be a useful tool. Let Electric Pipelines wield it for you. We are currently GPT-3 powered DevOps, and look forward to stepping up our game with the addition of GPT-4. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to streamline your operations and improve customer satisfaction with GPT-4. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you harness the power of GPT-4 and take your business to the next level.

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